AB Consultancy © 2011





• Selection »

What to keep and what to loose!


•Refill »

Finding the stuff that is missing in your wardrobe - shopping! The price for the cloths is your choice!


• Maintenance »

How do you put things together, when the stylist is busy and how do you maintain your wardrobe the way it is!

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Questionnary for shopping - please send a mail with the answers to aw@change4u.dk



We would like to have your measurements to prepare the shopping: 












                                          Up load full picture if possible.


Comments on what you need the cloths for:



Looking good doesn't have to cost a fortune! It can also be done on a low budget!







Finding the style that is making you look your best and feel your best is not easy, but the difficult part is to maintain the style in the long run!




Are you ready for the changes you want? Then go for it!